Muse (Johns Hopkins University)

Reviews In American History

(ISSN 1080-6628)

Reviews in American History is a journal of ideas that offers anyone interested in American history a way to stay current with the discipline. Each issue presents in-depth review essays about the latest books in American history. Retrospective essays examining landmark works written by leading historians are also regularly featured. The journal covers all areas of American history, including cutting-edge and more traditional sub-fields.


Johns Hopkins University Press


Vol. 23 (1995) through current issue

Reviews in American History is a journal of ideas that offers anyone interested in American history a way to stay current with the discipline. Each issue presents in-depth review essays about the latest books in American history. Retrospective essays examining landmark works written by leading historians are also regularly featured. The journal covers all areas of American history, including cutting-edge and more traditional sub-fields.


70 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
  • historia
  • nauki o kulturze i religii
  • inżynieria biomedyczna
  • ochrona dziedzictwa i konserwacja zabytków
  • biologia medyczna
  • nauki o rodzinie
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe