
Phytochemical Analysis

(ISSN 1099-1565)


Aims and Scope

Phytochemical Analysis is devoted to the publication of original articles concerning the development, improvement, and significant extension of application of analytical methodology in the plant sciences, as well as in natural products research. The spectrum of coverage is broad, encompassing methods and techniques relevant to the detection (including bio-screening), extraction, separation, purification, identification and quantification of compounds in plant biochemistry, plant cellular and molecular biology, plant biotechnology, the food sciences, agriculture and horticulture, and natural products research in general.

The Journal publishes papers describing significant novelty in the analysis of whole plants (including algae), plant cells, tissues and organs, plant-derived extracts and plant products (including those which have been partially or completely refined for use in the food, agrochemical, pharmaceutical and related industries) from both terrestrial and marine sources. All forms of physical, chemical, biochemical, spectroscopic, radiometric, electrometric, chromatographic, metabolomic and chemometric investigations of plant products (monomeric species as well as polymeric molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) are included within the remit of the Journal. Papers dealing with novel methods relating to areas such as data handling/ data mining in plant sciences will also be welcomed. Analysis of compounds from natural products from other sources (apart from plants), e.g., microorganisms, insects and animals, are also considered. In summary, Phytochemical Analysis deals with manuscripts describing new methods in relation to natural products analysis, and established methods with specific new applications in natural products analysis; the focus must remain on ‘methods and techniques’.

Phytochemical Analysis is intended to serve as a major resource for information on analytical and instrumental methodology in the plant sciences and natural products research. Together with original articles and accelerated communications, all of which will be both timely and of interest to a wide readership, mini review articles describing recent advances in specific areas of plant analysis will be published. Reviews are by invitation only, but the Editor-in-Chief welcomes suggestions for new review topics from potential authors.


Plant and food scientists · pharmaceutical scientists · pharmacognosists · agricultural and horticultural scientists · flavour chemists · biochemists . phytochemists. natural products researchers . bio- and chemo-informaticists


Phytochemistry, natural products, computational phytochemistry, herbal, plant biochemistry, plant extract, plant product, analytical methods, plant metabolomics, chromatography, traditional medicine, quality control, nanotechnology, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, solid phase extraction, phenolics, in silico methods, journal, online journal, Wiley Online Library


70 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • inżynieria biomedyczna
  • biologia medyczna
  • nauki farmaceutyczne
  • nauki medyczne
  • nauki o zdrowiu
  • rolnictwo i ogrodnictwo
  • technologia żywności i żywienia
  • biotechnologia
  • nauki biologiczne
  • nauki chemiczne