
Progress In Photovoltaics

(ISSN 1099-159X)


Aims and Scope

Progress in Photovoltaics offers a prestigious forum for reporting advances in this rapidly developing technology, aiming to reach all interested professionals, researchers and energy policy-makers.

The key criterion is that all papers submitted should report substantial “progress” in photovoltaics.

Papers are encouraged that report substantial “progress” such as gains in independently certified solar cell efficiency, eligible for a new entry in the journal's widely referenced Solar Cell Efficiency Tables.

Examples of papers that will not be considered for publication are those that report development in materials without relation to data on cell performance, routine analysis, characterisation or modelling of cells or processing sequences, routine reports of system performance, improvements in electronic hardware design, or country programs, although invited papers may occasionally be solicited in these areas to capture accumulated “progress”.

Systems papers will only be considered in exceptional cases, such as where new developments in system applications have produced substantial progress in energy yield or reliability.

Prospective authors are encouraged to consider the degree to which their contributions report significant progress in the field and to consider other means of publication for those not meeting the high standard required by Progress in Photovoltaics.


Electrical and electronic engineers · scientists and engineers in the field of renewable energy · microelectronic engineers.


photovoltaics, PV, solar cell, solar energy, solar electricity, silicon cell, renewable energy, PV module, rural electrification, grid-connected system, copper indium diselenide (CIS), cadmium telluride (CdTe), “journal”, “online journal”, “Wiley Online Library”

Abstracting and Indexing Information

Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database (ProQuest)

CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)

Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder (ACS)

COMPENDEX (Elsevier)

Current Contents: Engineering, Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics)

Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)

EnCompass Lit (Elsevier)

Environment Index (EBSCO Publishing)


Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)

Materials Science & Engineering Database (ProQuest)


Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)

Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)

SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest)

SCOPUS (Elsevier)

Technology Collection (ProQuest)

TEMA: Technik und Management (WTI-Frankfurt eG)

Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)


140 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • automatyka
  • elektronika
  • elektrotechnika i technologie kosmiczne
  • inżynieria biomedyczna
  • inżynieria materiałowa
  • inżynieria środowiska
  • górnictwo i energetyka
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe
  • nauki chemiczne
  • nauki fizyczne