De Gruyter
Pure And Applied Chemistry
(ISSN 1365-3075)
About this journal
Since 1960, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has made available to chemists everywhere a large amount of important chemical information published in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry.
In 2020 we celebrated IUPAC’s 60th anniversary!
As part of these celebrations, we are offering free access to the virtual issue of PAC: 60 seminal papers published in PAC over the past 60 years
Pure and Applied Chemistry is the official monthly Journal of IUPAC, with responsibility for publishing works arising from those international scientific events and projects that are sponsored and undertaken by the Union. The policy is to publish highly topical and credible works at the forefront of all aspects of pure and applied chemistry, and the attendant goal is to promote widespread acceptance of the Journal as an authoritative and indispensable holding in academic and institutional libraries.
The objectives of the Journal are:
to publish papers based upon authoritative lectures presented at IUPAC sponsored conferences, symposia and workshops.
to publish papers or collections of papers by invitation, as special topic features.
to publish IUPAC Recommendations on nomenclature, symbols and units.
to publish IUPAC Technical Reports on standardization, recommended procedures, collaborative studies, data compilations, etc.
See also
Procedure for publication of IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations
Guidelines for Drafting IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations
Word Template for Author Submissions
LaTeX Template for Author Submissions
IUPAC and De Gruyter
In addition to Pure and Applied Chemistry, De Gruyter is proud to partner with IUPAC in the publication of the society's member magazine, Chemistry International and the new Open Access journal Chemistry Teacher International, as well as the IUPAC Standards Database. You can find links to all of the IUPAC Content available on De Gruyter Online at De Gruyter and IUPAC, as well as special content, such as themed Virtual Issues of content drawn from across journals and volume years.