Journal Of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural And Behavioral Physiology
(ISSN 1432-1351)
Learn more about The Journal of Comparative Physiology A by reading the following Editorial: The Journal of Comparative Physiology A: rooted in great tradition, committed to innovation and discovery.
The Journal of Comparative Physiology A welcomes Original Papers and Short Communications in the following biological disciplines:
- Neuroethology
- Sensory physiology
- Neurophysiology
- Functional neuroanatomy
- Neuroendocrinology
- Computational neuroscience
The level of organization addressed may be organismic, cellular, and/or molecular. Contributions should add to our understanding of physiological mechanisms and relate research findings to the evolution and/or natural behavior of the animal.
If you wish to publish a study in biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology, please visit our sister publication, Journal of Comparative Physiology B.
We also publish Review Articles (including Review-History Articles) that discuss research discoveries and methodological innovations in a broader scientific and/or historical context. Perspectives are viewpoints and opinion pieces that aim to provoke discussion among the Journal’s readership; they are about future directions in the field, with bearings for research, funding, and institutions. Obituaries report the recent death of a prominent contributor to the research fields covered by the Journal, together with a biographical account and a personal appreciation. Book Reviews are written in form of essays about recently published books that are of high relevance to the research areas covered in The Journal of Comparative Physiology A.
Special Issues are a collection of articles on timely topics. They are edited by members of the Editorial Board and/or Guest Editors. Typically, one or two Special Issues appear every year. In addition to invited papers, we also accept unsolicited contributions. Links to published special issues can be found in the Special Issue Gallery. For information about special issues in preparation visit our Upcoming Special Issues website.