
Social Choice And Welfare

(ISSN 1432-217X)

Social Choice and Welfare explores all aspects, both normative and positive, of welfare economics, collective choice, and strategic interaction. Topics include but are not limited to: preference aggregation, welfare criteria, fairness, justice and equity, rights, inequality and poverty measurement, voting and elections, political games, coalition formation, public goods, mechanism design, networks, matching, optimal taxation, cost-benefit analysis, computational social choice, judgement aggregation, market design, behavioral welfare economics, subjective well-being studies and experimental investigations related to social choice and voting. As such, the journal is inter-disciplinary and cuts across the boundaries of economics, political science, philosophy, and mathematics. Articles on choice and order theory that include results that can be applied to the above topics are also included in the journal. While it emphasizes theory, the journal also publishes empirical work in the subject area reflecting cross-fertilizing between theoretical and empirical research. Readers will find original research articles, surveys, and book reviews.

Officially cited as: Soc Choice Welf


70 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
  • nauki o rodzinie
  • ekonomia i finanse
  • geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna
  • nauki o bezpieczeństwie
  • nauki socjologiczne
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe