Bulletin Of Engineering Geology And The Environment
(ISSN 1435-9537)
Engineering geology is defined in the statutes of the IAEG as the science devoted to the investigation, study and solution of engineering and environmental problems which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works or activities of man, as well as of the prediction of and development of measures for the prevention or remediation of geological hazards. Engineering geology embraces:
• the applications/implications of the geomorphology, structural geology, and hydrogeological conditions of geological formations;
• the characterisation of the mineralogical, physico-geomechanical, chemical and hydraulic properties of all earth materials involved in construction, resource recovery and environmental change;
• the assessment of the mechanical and hydrological behaviour of soil and rock masses;
• the prediction of changes to the above properties with time;
• the determination of the parameters to be considered in the stability analysis of engineering works and earth masses;