

(ISSN 1439-6912)

Honorary Founder: Pál Erdõs (1913-1996)

COMBINATORICA is an international journal of the J. Bolyai Mathematical Society (Fõ utca 68., 1027 Budapest, Hungary), published jointly by the J. Bolyai Mathematical Society and Springer.

COMBINATORICA publishes research papers in English in a variety of areas of combinatorics and the theory of computing, with particular emphasis on general techniques and unifying principles. Typical but not exclusive topics covered by COMBINATORICA are

- Combinatorial structures (graphs, hypergraphs, matroids, designs, permutation groups).

- Combinatorial optimization.

- Combinatorial aspects of geometry and number theory.

- Algorithms in combinatorics and related fields.

- Computational complexity theory.

- Randomization and explicit construction in combinatorics and algorithms.


140 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja
  • informatyka
  • matematyka