Taylor & Francis
(ISSN 1464-0678)
Aims and scope
Laterality: Asymmetries of Brain, Behaviour, and Cognition publishes high quality research on all aspects of lateralisation in human and non-human (vertebrate and invertebrate) species, including its psychological, behavioural, neural, genetic or other biological manifestations. Recognising that research in the field of laterality is broad, the editors will also consider papers from any discipline which can illuminate the evolution of biological, neural, or behavioural asymmetry; papers on cultural, linguistic, artistic, and social expressions of lateral asymmetry; as well as papers on its development, on its function, and on its historical origins. The journal is also interested in publishing articles that address issues relating aspects of asymmetries in behaviour and cognitive function to their neural substrates with clear theoretical relevance, formulating new hypotheses, or disproving previously established ones. This includes clinical papers and clinical case studies that raise issues of theoretical importance or concern and shed light on the interaction between brain, behaviour, and cognition.
Submission of inter-disciplinary research, either empirical or theoretical, or concerned with problems of measurement or statistical analysis, is encouraged. We also welcome review articles that clearly contribute a new perspective or integration, meta-analyses, and methodological tutorials. Special issues on particular topics are also published and may be edited by a Guest Editor; proposals for special issues should be sent to the editors. We encourage the submission of dissenting opinions and comments that directly relate to papers that have been published in Laterality. The editors reserve the right to terminate an interchange after a comment and response to the comment. Comments and responses to comments will be subject to the normal review process.
Peer Review: All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
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