Taylor & Francis

International Journal Of Disability Development And Education

(ISSN 1465-346X)

Aims and scope

Founded in 1954, the International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (IJDDE) is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal with an international focus. It provides a single source of information on the education and development of persons with disabilities. IJDDE aims to publish the very best research and review articles concerned with all aspects of education, human development, special education and rehabilitation.

The content of IJDDE reflects a variety of topics, disciplines, research methods and cultural perspectives. Various orientations are represented, including education and special education, psychology, allied health, social work and psychiatry. Contributions from developed and developing countries ensure a truly international perspective.

The Editor invites articles for consideration concerned with all aspects of theory, research, and practice in the areas of disability, human development, and education. Research, review, and issues oriented articles will be considered as will descriptions or cross-cultural comparisons of education, special education, and rehabilitation in developed and developing countries.

Peer Review Policy

All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double blind refereeing by at least two expert referees. All book reviews have also undergone editorial screening. Final publishing decisions rest with the Editors-in-Chief.


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Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.


40 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
  • nauki o kulturze i religii
  • architektura i urbanistyka
  • inżynieria biomedyczna
  • nauki farmaceutyczne
  • nauki o kulturze fizycznej
  • nauki o zdrowiu
  • nauki o rodzinie
  • nauki socjologiczne
  • pedagogika
  • psychologia