Taylor & Francis

Space And Polity

(ISSN 1470-1235)

Aims and scope

For a quarter of a century, Space and Polity has served as an international peer reviewed scholarly journal publishing the very best political geographical research from across the world. The mission of the journal is to play a leading role in advancing Political Geography as a distinctive branch of knowledge.

Under the leadership of a new Editorial team, the journal will continue to accept submissions from across the political geographical spectrum and will actively procure, publish and promote articles which:

Strengthen ties between political philosophy, political philosophers, and political geographical thought and make foundational theoretical and conceptual contributions

Conduct politically aware historiographical investigations of political geographical thinkers, theories, concepts, ideas and debates and interrogate and reimagine the trajectory of political geography as a politico-intellectual project itself

Advance significant new insights, through new approaches, methodologies, data sets, and empirical analyses, into the most pressing public political problems which present in the 2020s

Provincialise and decolonise political geography and increase awareness and appreciation of Global South political geographical theory and debate

Inspire political geographical centred scholar activism and enhanced civic and cultural engagement and think anew about the contribution of political geographical scholarship, research, pedagogy and praxis to the public square and the public good.

Whilst primarily serving the political geographical scholarly community, social scientists currently working in disciplines beyond human geography, including political science, sociology, philosophy, management studies, economics, anthropology and development studies, are welcome to submit articles to the journal provided these articles explicitly foreground the nexus between political processes and core geographical themes such as scale, space, place, landscape and environment.

Space and Polity accepts the following types of article:

Regular articles: The mainstay of Space and Polity remains the traditional ‘regular’ research article. Most of the articles the journal publishes combine conceptual, methodological and empirical dimensions to make a significant and original theoretical and/or substantive contribution. Innovative theoretical focussed articles are also welcome.

Provocations: Provocations provide authors with an opportunity to develop more concise interventions on topical matters and concerns. Space and Polity publishes two types of provocation: a) significant observations (especially critical and disruptive) on key theoretical debates on the intellectual trajectory of political geographical scholarship and; b) analysis of and viewpoints on prominent public affairs and political developments likely to be of interest to a wide readership. Because provocations often speak to a topical disciplinary conundrum or timely public political problems, they are subject to rapid review and turnaround and if accepted enjoy early publication.

Book reviews and authors meet critics fora: Space and Polity publishes reviews of recent books and monographs which contribute to the advancement of knowledge in political geography Extended authors meets critics fora are also published. All correspondence concerning book reviews should be directed to Space and Polity Book Review Editor Debangana Bose, University of Cambridge, UK ( db882@cam.ac.uk) and authors meet critics fora should be addressed to Space and Polity Editor Mark Boyle, Maynooth University, Ireland ( Mark.G.Boyle@mu.ie).

Topical Special Issues: Space and Polity welcomes proposals for Topical Special Issues, which provide a critical forum for sets of complementary or contrasting articles addressing emergent and topical theoretical and substantive issues or questions. Along with traditional thematic issues, we also accept and encourage proposals for Topical Special Issues. The latter includes the fast publication of an editorial article where guest editors present a substantive perspective on the issue’s topical theme, along with an open invitation to potential authors. The accepted contributions are published one by one in our forthcoming section and finally collected into an issue with the first published editorial, accompanied by a separate introduction to the issue’s contributions by the guest editors. Interested contributors are encouraged to contact in the first instance Space and Polity Special Issue Editor Kirsi Pauliina Kallio, Tampere University, Finland ( kirsipauliina.kallio@tuni.fi).

Peer Review Statement

All submitted manuscripts, including those which form part of special issue sets, are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double blind peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.


100 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • historia
  • architektura i urbanistyka
  • geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna
  • nauki o bezpieczeństwie
  • nauki o polityce i administracji
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe