Taylor & Francis
Social Movement Studies
(ISSN 1474-2829)
Aims and scope
Social Movement Studies is an international and inter-disciplinary journal providing a forum for academic debate and analysis of extra-parliamentary political, cultural and social movements throughout the world. Social Movement Studies has a broad, inter-disciplinary approach designed to accommodate papers engaging with any theoretical school and which study the origins, development, organisation, values, context and impact of historical and contemporary movements active in all parts of the world. We understand our inter-disciplinary approach to include both contributions that engage with particular schools of thought relevant to social movements and popular protest and contributions that extend across disciplinary boundaries. Social Movement Studies aims to publish soundly researched analyses and to re-establish writing as intervention. From this broad and inclusive perspective we are interested in contributions dealing with social movements, popular protests and networks that support protest. This includes contributions dealing with but not restricted to:
• movements of all types including gender, race, sexuality, indigenous people’s rights, disability, ecology, peace, youth, age, religion, animal rights and others,
• forms of communication, media and representation engaged with social change, including the Internet and cybercultures,
• networks of support and broad ’ways of life’ engaged with alternative social systems,
• appraisals of popular reactionary movements or populist movements of the ’right’,
• subcultures and countercultures, including such things as the place of dance, pleasure or music in resistance,
• identities and the construction of collective identities,
• relations between protests and social structures, including situating movements in local, regional, national, international and global socio-economic and cultural contexts,
• theoretical reflections on the significance of social movements and protest.
If you work in these or related areas we would be very pleased to hear from you with a contribution. The journal invites four kinds of contribution: articles, profiles, interventions and reviews. For details and editorial contacts please see the Instructions for Authors. Peer Review All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.
Peer review policy
Taylor & Francis is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. Find out more about what to expect during peer review and read our guidance on publishing ethics.
Social Movement Studies publishes both peer reviewed and editorial review submissions. Articles are subject to external peer review. Please note that Profiles, Book Reviews, Review Essays, and some invited introductions and outros are not sent out for peer review, but pass through editorial review.
Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.
Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.