
Gene Therapy

(ISSN 1476-5462)

Aims and scope

Gene Therapy covers both the research and clinical applications of novel therapeutic techniques based on a genetic component. Over the last few decades, significant advances in technologies ranging from identifying novel genetic targets that cause disease through to clinical studies, which show therapeutic benefit, have elevated this multidisciplinary field to the forefront of modern medicine.

Gene Therapy covers all aspects of gene therapy as applied to human disease, including:

preliminary studies which reveal novel genetic targets or strategies that improve a disease phenotype (Note: studies showing the mechanistic role of genetic elements alone, will be considered if significant therapeutic benefit or novelty is shown)

the development of novel techniques for gene therapy research and improvements on established tools

preclinical animal model systems and validation studies

gene-based vaccine development and applications

genetically engineered cellular models that can advance the validation of novel therapeutic targets, and drug discovery especially those using high-throughput applications and 3D modelling

cell-based therapies including all aspects of stem cells and genetically modified cellular approaches (especially CRISPR and other gene editing strategies), including biobanking studies

clinical trial reports which have significant impact for the field

novel genetic biomarkers of disease susceptibility or disease progression with extensive scientific validation

Industry sector pipeline profiles or commercial implications of gene therapies

Regulatory landscapes and legislative issues pertaining to different global regions

Gene Therapy covers a range of subject areas, to read content across the scope of the journal view the journal's subjects page here.

Journal Metrics

Article metrics such as number of downloads, citations and online attention are available from each article page, and provide an overview of the attention received by a paper.

The 2021 journal metrics for Gene Therapy are as follows:

2-year Impact Factor* (2021): 4.184

5-year Impact Factor* (2021): 4.527

Immediacy index*: 1.532

Eigenfactor® score*: 0.00336

Article influence score*: 0.951

JCR Rank*: 69/175 Genetics & Heredity; 150/296 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; 63/158 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; 72/139 Medicine, Research & Experimental

Journal Citation Score*: 0.96

SNIP: 0.847

SJR: 1.332

The 2021 peer review performance metrics for Gene Therapy are shown below:

13 days to first decision for all manuscripts (Median)

Article page views - 852,378


1,461,535 Downloads (in 2021)

4,402 Altmetric mentions (2021)

*2021 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2022)

Abstracted/indexed in


Current Contents/Life Sciences

Science Citation Index

Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)

EBSCO Discovery Service

Google Scholar


Social Science Citation Indes


Summon by ProQuest

EBSCO Academic Search

EBSCO Advanced Placement Source

EBSCO Biomedical Reference Collection




International standard serial number (ISSN) for Gene Therapy: 0969-7128

Electronic international standard serial number (eISSN): 1476-5462.

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  • inżynieria biomedyczna
  • biologia medyczna
  • nauki farmaceutyczne
  • nauki medyczne
  • nauki o zdrowiu
  • nauki o rodzinie
  • biotechnologia
  • nauki biologiczne
  • weterynaria