
Canadian Journal Of Anesthesia-Journal Canadien D Anesthesie

(ISSN 1496-8975)

Each issue of the CJA gives readers access to the latest advances in anesthesia. The CJA publishes peer-reviewed, high-profile clinical research, basic research with an impact apparent to clinicians, and expert reviews and opinions to assist the anesthesiologist in the field.

Excellence in clinically related research and knowledge, the Journal's mission statement, clearly reaffirms the Editorial Board's commitment to produce an excellent, clinically oriented journal.


Excellence in research and knowledge translation in anesthesia, pain, perioperative medicine, and critical care

L'excellence en recherche et en transfert des connaissances en anesthésie, en douleur, en médecine périopératoire et en soins critiques


100 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • inżynieria biomedyczna
  • biologia medyczna
  • nauki farmaceutyczne
  • nauki medyczne
  • nauki o zdrowiu
  • biotechnologia
  • weterynaria