Taylor & Francis

Latin American Business Review

(ISSN 1528-6932)

Aims and scope

Mission statement

Latin American Business Review is a quarterly, refereed journal, which facilitates the exchange of information and new ideas between academics, business practitioners, public policymakers, and those in the international development community. Special features of the journal will keep you current on various teaching, research, and information sources. These activities all focus on the business and economic environment of the diverse and dynamic countries of Latin America.

As a researcher, business professional, expert advisor, or part of a professional group or institution concerned with policymaking and influencing business development, you will find articles in Latin American Business Review of direct interest and utility. A wide variety of articles is also available in the Review, including research papers, both theoretical and empirical in nature; works in business and public policy; short survey articles; and case studies, both comparative or focusing on single countries. Articles are interdisciplinary, addressing such varied issues as:

Business development,


Regional integration,

Microenterprises and industry studies,

Cross-cultural studies,

Trade policy, and

Financial markets.

Articles in Latin American Business Review are published in English; however, each article's abstract appears not only in English but also in Spanish and in Portuguese. Special features of the Review may include reviews of current books and other journals of interest. For those teaching in either executive education programs or at the university level, a special feature is the discussion of useful and current sources of information for classroom use as well as a review of current business cases. To facilitate research, the journal reviews and keeps you abreast of the various data sources available and other information on the Internet and World Wide Web (www) as well as sources of research funding opportunities.

Latin American Business Review is a publication of the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Ahlers Center for International Business at University of San Diego; and FEN at University of Chile.

Peer Review Policy: All research articles published in Latin American Business Review have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous (double blind) refereeing by up to three anonymous referees.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.


20 punktów

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  • nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe