Taylor & Francis
Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics
(ISSN 1541-3144)
Aims and scope
The highly acclaimed Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (POTP) delivers vital information to all therapists involved in developmental and physical rehabilitation of infants, children and youth. Designed for PT and OT pediatric professionals in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and health and human services agencies, the journal provides the latest clinical research and practical applications that no professional will want to miss. Current clinical advances and research findings are important for all therapists, and each issue of this journal brings therapists the latest discoveries in therapy as related to their work with children. With an emphasis on implications and applications for therapy practice, the journal includes case reports, and reviews/critiques of new measures.
Highlights of the journal include:
Editorials and Commentaries - a forum in which the Editors, Editorial Board members, and invited therapists present perspectives on important issues
Original research reports
Evidence to Practice Commentary featuring additional perspectives from an expert in the field on a particular issue raised in one of the articles
Perspectives, theories and models for practice.
Systematic reviews of research for a focused clinical question
Appraisal of new tests and measures
Book Reviews of the latest publications in the area of pediatric therapy
Case reports and program evaluations
Through these columns, this journal brings many viewpoints on the varied aspects of pediatric therapy to therapists, enabling them to focus sharply on today's professional issues. Keep abreast of the most current information on development therapy with infants, children and youth with Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.
Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.
Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.