Taylor & Francis
Religious Education
(ISSN 1547-3201)
Aims and scope
2019 CiteScore: 0.60 - values from Scopus
Religious Education, the journal of the Religious Education Association: An Association of Professors, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education, offers an interfaith forum for exploring religious identity, formation, and education in faith communities, academic disciplines and institutions, and public life and the global community. Three forums focus on this response:
Religious Education in Faith Communities, focusing on religious education in local faith communities and within and by denominational/religious bodies on regional, national, and international levels.
Religious Education in Public Life and the Global Community, focusing on the role of religious education in the interest of the common good as well as stimulating inter-religious education and conversation.
Religious Education in Academic Disciplines and Institutions, focusing on the advancement of scholarship in religious education through schools, colleges, universities, and graduate schools of religion.
Articles consider education in houses of worship, schools, informal programs, and institutions of higher learning involving adults, youth, children, and families. Topics addressed include the following:
Educational theory, theology, and education;
Tradition and directions;
Congregational programs and practices;
Models and methods;
Moral, value, and character education;
Spiritual, cultural, and social issues in education.
Issues of the journal are divided three into sections:
"Articles" – research, scholarship, and insights from practice relating to the intersection of religion and education;
"Forum" – conversations engaging diverse points of view on topics of interest;
"Critique" – review essays on practice and shorter reviews of books and media.
Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone editor screening and anonymous double-blind peer review. All other articles are editor and peer reviewed.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.
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