
Religion Compass

(ISSN 1749-8171)


Aims and Scope

What is Religion Compass?

Religion Compass offers the quality and rigour of a scholarly journal, combined with a commitment to examining developing scholarly directions, as well as the speed and functionality of electronic publishing.

Commissioned from leading researchers, Religion Compass articles are distinguished from those of traditional journals by combining original research and analysis with a broader expertise and understanding of how that fits—as both contribution and intervention—in the authors’ fields or sub-fields. Because the journal publishes peer-reviewed, state-of-the-field articles on a continual, monthly basis, it is unencumbered by rigid publishing timelines, ensuring that topical and significant research reaches the public effectively and efficiently.

Religion Compass adheres to the same quality control procedures as for any Wiley journal, both in terms of editorial and production standards.

Religion Compass articles allow established as well as junior scholars and advanced students to:

keep up with the newest developments and trends in research

teach in a new or unfamiliar area outside of their research specialty

find high-quality, peer-reviewed online content quickly and accessibly

Author Benefits

Benefits for authors include:

Article published within 12-16 weeks after acceptance

A citable, peer-reviewed article, with a permanent DOI

International exposure / broad readership

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The Religion Compass Audience

The Religion Compass audience covers a wide range, from research and teaching faculty, graduate students to advanced undergraduates – from potentially any area of the discipline. This is a distinguishing feature of the journal, and a benefit to authors in terms of enhanced and breadth of exposure. You are writing for your peers, but also for researchers and students from unrelated areas. It is therefore crucial that Religion Compass articles always remain accessible to non-specialists. The writing should be authoritative and lively.

Article Length and Scope

In general, articles should run between 3000-5000 words (excluding references). Longer articles can be considered at the Section Editor’s discretion. The Section Editor will agree the topic of your article with you before you begin to write your piece.

The writing style should be crisp, concise and informative, while adhering to the quality and standard of an expert research paper. Remember: you are writing for non-specialists from many different areas. Your article will be their gateway into a new subject. Your aim is to engage as well as inform the reader.

Articles will fall into at least one of the following three categories and will answer one or more of the questions below:

Recent research and debates in your field – What debates are driving your field? What new research has been published? What does it add to these debates or the field more generally? Can you put that new research in context? Does a new school of thought or paradigm seem to be developing? Has a new controversy erupted?

Comparative look across sections or boundaries – Are there related things happening in different fields? Can you suggest comparisons that have not been fully explored? Can one area provide an insight into another when used in teaching or research?

State of the field – Can you offer a fresh perspective on developments in your field? Perhaps there are arguments or fads drawing attention away from what you think are the critical points? Perhaps the field is stagnating? Are students and teachers flocking to or fleeing from your field? Is your area well and fairly covered in the media? Are there resources or archives that are new or underused and are worthy of attention? Has the field been affected by or is it impacting on current affairs?

Articles submitted to Religion Compass should not have been previously published or accepted to be published elsewhere. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication by agreement with the relevant editor.

If you have not already done so, please feel free to visit the journal homepage, where you can see the most recent articles that have been published.


All serious scholars of religion, from junior teaching faculty and postgraduates, through to experienced and eminent researchers. The journals is for anyone who needs a reliable and accessible entry into any part of the field of religious studies.


African Religions, Ancient Near East, Buddhism, East Asian Traditions, Christianity, Indian Traditions, Islam, Judaism, New Religions, Religions in the Americas, Theory, Method, Political Religions, Graeco-Roman Religions, Religion, Theology, Practice, Compass

Abstracting and Indexing Information

Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)

ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association)

Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)

Religious & Theological Abstracts

Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)


40 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
  • nauki o kulturze i religii
  • nauki o rodzinie
  • prawo kanoniczne
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe
  • nauki biblijne
  • nauki teologiczne