Muse (Johns Hopkins University)

Journal Of Medieval Religious Cultures

(ISSN 2153-9650)

The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures (formerly Mystics Quarterly) is currently in its thirty-second year of continuous publication. The journal chiefly publishes peer-reviewed essays on mystical and devotional texts, especially but not exclusively of the Western Middle Ages. In its new form it will seek to expand its areas of focus to include the relationship of medieval religious cultures outside Europe. The journal also publishes book reviews and disseminates information of interest to all those who by profession, vocation, or inclination are interested in mysticism and the Middle Ages.


Penn State University Press


Vol. 36 (2010) through current issue

The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures (formerly Mystics Quarterly) is currently in its thirty-second year of continuous publication. The journal chiefly publishes peer-reviewed essays on mystical and devotional texts, especially but not exclusively of the Western Middle Ages. In its new form it will seek to expand its areas of focus to include the relationship of medieval religious cultures outside Europe. The journal also publishes book reviews and disseminates information of interest to all those who by profession, vocation, or inclination are interested in mysticism and the Middle Ages.


70 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
  • historia
  • nauki o kulturze i religii
  • prawo kanoniczne
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe
  • nauki biblijne
  • nauki teologiczne