Journal Of Spiritual Formation And Soul Care

(ISSN 2328-1030)

The Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. Its purpose is to advance the discussion of the theory and practice of Christian formation and soul care for the sake of the educational ministries of the church, Christian education, and other para-church organizations through scholarly publications that are rooted in biblical exegesis, systematic theology, the history of Christian spirituality, philosophical analysis, psychological theory/research, spiritual theology, and Christian experience.

The journal features articles which develop an in-depth understanding of the need, nature, and practical components of spiritual transformation in Christ as well as articles which articulate the theory and practice of various kinds of soul care that are vital to such formation. In addition to full-length articles, the journal also publishes shorter essays that offer scholarly reflection on issues in the field of spiritual formation and soul care, alongside select book reviews and review essays. The major intent of the editors is to place before the scholarly and lay communities writing that will foster the field of spiritual formation and soul care as that has been understood and developed within historic Christianity.


20 punktów

Dyscypliny naukowe:

  • etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
  • nauki o rodzinie
  • stosunki międzynaropdowe
  • nauki biblijne
  • nauki teologiczne